I have decided to create a summary of the script, shot types and storyline to give to the rest of the group so they understand my thoughts and vision for the project. We had planned to meet at a coffee shop in order to discuss the shoot. This summary will make the meeting much easier, I have printed off a copy for everybody.
Opening shot is a black screen, after one or two seconds the title Leviticus 19:18 fades in, followed by the actual bible extract itself, both title and extract are in white font, they slowly turn red. We hear the sound of cold echoing footsteps slowly getting closer to us (louder and louder). We then fade out of the Leviticus scene into a black and white shot of the wall under the bridge with the company logo and name in red, it is night, (footsteps are still approaching) a man then walks past, his leg wiping the logo off the screen. The shot is only the lower part of his body. He is wearing boots and dark jeans or trousers, a long dark jacket. (footstep sound continues) we have a shot of the words Andreas C in red font on a puddle, the footsteps get closer and then a boot steps into the puddle, when the boot is lifted the words are gone. The next shots are first person, All first person shots are dazed and have the sound of heavy breathing. we go first person so we can tell that our character is disorientated. We have a shot of him stumbling as he walks down the street (first person).Long shot of him walking under a bridge wiping a name off the side of the bridge wall as he stumbles past it. We have a first person shot of the man approaching his front door and struggling to find his keys and open it; eventually he opens it and enters. We change to a shot from inside the house, the camera sits on a table behind frame aimed towards the door, behind the door the final name is written vertically down the wall, as the door swings open it covers the name and the shadowy figure is left standing in the open door, casting a shadow on the floor in front of him, he leans against the frame for a moment then steps in and shuts the door, he then walks over to the table the camera is on and places a gun in front of the camera. The next shot is a tight shot of a bottle of whisky with a glass next to it sitting on a table. The man walks into the shot and begins to pour himself a glass of whisky, we then have a frontal shot of an armchair which the figure falls back into. He groans and in pain as he falls back, takes a second to compose himself and places his glass on the table beside him, and pulls a cigar and matches out of his inside jacket pocket. He places the cigar in his mouth. We now get a close up of the cigar, we hear an intense striking of a match (recorded separately) we see the lit match come up into shot and start to light the cigar,( all of this will be recorded separately with a mic to give really sharp sounds of puffing of the cigar and the crackle of the burning tobacco). We then have a shot of (my character) sitting in his arm chair, in the bottom right corner of shot with the rest of the room in darkness behind him. My character takes a casual puff of his cigar and calls out the name of the second character in the room. “What do you want _______”. The second character is in a shot of total darkness, we hardly see them till they light a cigarette, they flick open a Zippo lighter and light their cigarette, the lighter flame illuminates their face. (the sound of the lighter opening and being struck is recorded separately so it is loud and clear)
Character 1: You look like crap, what are you up to these days _________
Me: getting pissed and smoking myself into an early grave, (puffs cigar and lets the smoke role slowly out of his mouth) cut the crap _______ what do you want. (Puffs cigar)
Character 1: (small laugh) we know what you’ve been doing _________, and let’s just say her majesty secret service is no longer willing to turn a blind eye. We have a problem that needs solving and we think you’re the right man for the job.
Me: I’m finished with the service, why don’t you do your own dirty work.
Character 1: Normally we would, but we thought you’d be interested in this particular problem. We have intel on the guys that kidnapped you and Maria.
Close up on my character, silent
Character 1: iv got to go ________, you know how it is. (Places briefcase on the table) everything you need is in here
First person shot of my character sifting through the contents of the case, he leans back in his chair and grabs a picture of his girlfriend, first person shot of him looking at the picture and stroking her face, the shot is a close up of her face in the picture which then flashes to a new shot of the same girl distressed, crying and gagged, there is a loud scream, then we flash back into the room, the character sits up takes the gun out of the case on the table and chucks the gun.