The preliminary task was to produce a short video which showcased the skill we had at the time. We had to use various techniques such as shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule and match on action. Firstly it is important to understand that we used a basic handy cam to shoot the preliminary task and we used a mini dv camera and a tripod for our thriller opening. The shots on the preliminary task were very shaky and clumsy where as the shots taken in our thriller opening were smooth and professional because we had more time to do the task and we had better equipment. we also edited the two videos on separate programs. the preliminary task was edited in windows movie maker which is a very basic level of editing program and was therefore harder to acheive a high level of finish.For the editing of our media video we decided to use an industry level of editing software that would give a degree of professionalism to our video. The Problem with this is that none of us knew how to use the software and therfore it was a steap learning curve. We had help from online tutorials which allowed us to use the complex program. The program I keep mentioning is called adobe premier pro cs4. It allowed us to acheive complex effects with black and white and introducing bits of colour, as can be seen on the left.
For the editing of our media video we decided to use an industry level of editing software that would give a degree of professionalism to our video. The Problem with this is that none of us knew how to use the software and therfore it was a steap learning curve. We had help from online tutorials which allowed us to use the complex program. The program I keep mentioning is called adobe premier pro cs4. It allowed us to acheive complex effects with black and white and introducing bits of colour, as can be seen on the left.For the editing of our media video we decided to use an industry level of editing software that would give a degree of professionalism to our video. The Problem with this is that none of us knew how to use the software and therfore it was a steap learning curve. We had help from online tutorials which allowed us to use the complex program. The program I keep mentioning is called adobe premier pro cs4. It allowed us to acheive complex effects with black and white and introducing bits of colour, as can be seen on the left.
Our camera work has improved a lot since the preliminary task, for example, we are now better at holding a handheld camera and making our hand steady, also we know where to place the camera in order to have the characters positioned in the frame well. For our thriller opening, because we used a Mini DV (digital video) camera, which is very heacy, so instead of us to hold, we used a tripod for some of the scenes to catch a steady effect.

To emphasise the specific sounds we have, the burning fire, the zippo lighter, striking of a match, burning of tobacco, we used a seperate mic to record them whilst we was filming. This made these specific noises louder and more noticable. It also adds an effect to the piece.
To get a different type of shot, a birds eye view. We put the tripod on the table, to make a birds eye view shot of Andreas looking into the briefcase because the point of view shot was too hard to achieve using a large heavy camera. We had to spread the legs of the tripods out so that we wouldn't get it in the shot.