Here I will be analysing the differences and similarities between the our main character and the main character in a similar thriller to ours. The character we are using to compare our character with is Jason Bourne from the Bourne trilogy, directed by Doug Liman. Similarities starting with appearance. Both of our characters wear dark unsophisticated clothing, jeans, jumper and a jacket. his clothing allows them to blend in with the public. Both characters are male and have a constant look of seriousness. There are also differences in appearance, this is governed by difference in the personality of the characters. Nathan (my character) is a protaganist, and so is Jason Bourne, yet they are both so different. Nathan is a very dark character, he has a rough stuble on his face and unkept hair, He smokes cigar which is sterotypically the "evil" characters choice of pleasure and he also drinks whisky, these are all signs that he is a fallen hero who has lost grace. Jason Bourne is a more clean cut character. He has a clean shaven face and short hair, he doesnt smoke or drink.
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