The image pictured on the right is the logo for our production company. The reason we chose the name fatboy production company was to appeal to the humour of ou young male audiences. The logo is funny and therefore memorable. So what is a production company? Production companies are firms which create their own media, music, television and film are all possible types of media which could be produced. Examples of large production comapnies could be universal pictures, Warner brothers, 20th centuary fox and even disney. So the production company is responsible for creating the film but they are not responsible for the distribution, who is? Ironically the film distribution companies are responsible for this. Thei job is to take the films from the production companies and get the media into the market and into the film exibitors such as cinemas. The Distributors I would want to distribute our film would be universal pictures. The reason for this is they succesfully distribute the Bourne trilogy, films which share the same audiences as our film will attract. Click here for universals website. This would be a British film and therfore we would seek the funding for the production from the UK film council and the national lottery.
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